  Physics of the Immosible
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Physics of the Immosible

            1-There is no short cut other than hard work.

            2- Einstein once said ‘The more successful the Quantum theory is, the sillier it looks.’

            3- There is an old saying, be careful what you wish for, because it may came true.

            4- Potter Stewart once had to define pornography. He failed to do so, but concluded 'I know it when I see it.’

            5-Henry Ford once famously said that the consumer could have Model T in any color, as long as it’s black.

            6- Today, you had breakfast that king of England could not have 100 years ago.

            7- Critics say the plan will reduce NASA to ‘An agency to nowhere’

            8- According to UK economist Hamis Mcree ‘in 1991 Britain became the first country to earn more from invisible exports than visible ones.’

            9- MIT economists Thurow writes ‘After correcting for general inflation, natural resource price have fallen almost 60% from mid-1970’s to mid-1990’s

            10- Those who can do, those who can’t teach.

            11- The United States has a secret weapon, The H1B visa, the co-called genius visa.

            12- In the past, people said that the pen was mightier than the sword. In the future it will be the chip that is mightier than the sword.

            13- As the philosopher Immanual Kant Once said ‘Science is organized knowledge, wisdom is organized life.

            14-George Bernard Show once said ‘Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve’

            15- The world I live in is the universe of eleven-dimensional hyperspace, black holes and gateways to the multiverse. M.K.

            16- It is Impossible to travel faster than the speed of light and certainly not desirable as one’s hat keeps blowing off.

            17-If time travel is possible then where are the tourists from the future. Stephan Hawking.

            18- We are all swept up in the river of time against our will.

            19- Einstein; Who showed that time was more like a river that meandered across the universe, speeding up and slowing down as it snaked across stars and galaxies.

            20-The embarrassing thing, however was that how hard physicist tried they could not find a law to prevent time travel.

            21- Unlike Newtonian Theory, which gave definite, hard answers to the motion of objects, the quantum theory can give only probabilities.

            22- Does the moon exist because a mouse looks at it? In same sense, the answer of the Copenhagen School might be yes.

            23- Theories four stages of acceptance.

1-This is worthless nonsense

2- This is interesting, but perverse.

3- This is true, but quite unimportant.

4- I always said so.

            24- Perpetual motion machine a device that runs forever without any loss of energy.

            25- You can’t get something from nothing. You can’t break even. You can’t even get out of the game.

            26- P.T Barnum’s famous dictum ‘There is a sucker born every minute.’

            27- As George Harrison once said ‘All things must pass’

            28- The critics dubbed the spirit of the Asilamer Conference ‘The rapture of the nerds’

            29- In 1997 IBM’s Deep Blue accomplished beating the world chess champion Gary Kasporow after this victory, it was the loser, Kasporow, who did all the talking to the press, since Deep Blue could not talk at all.

            30-Shinto religion, İnanimate object are believed have spirits in them, even mechanical ones.

            31-Science ,not superstation, is based on reproducible, testable and falsiable data.

            32- Burning the candle at both ends.

            33- Dead as Dodo.

            34- The role of infinitely small is infinitely large.

            35- By 1970 US oil production peaked at 10.2 million barrels a day then fell it has never recovered.

            36- Fusion power lights up the sun and the heavens. It is secret of the stars. And the fuel comes from ordinary sea water.

            37-Where is my jetpack?

            38- We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set soil for the stars. Carl Sagon.

            39- Sunlight is eight time more intense in space than on the earth.

            40- If an apple falls, then does the moon also fall? Isaac Newton.

            41- While hardware can be mass-produced and sold by the ton, the human brain cannot.

            42- New software requires human thought.

            43- As Einstein once said ‘Science can only determine what is not what shall be.’

            44- Science solves some problems, only to create others on a higher level.

            45- As Isaac Asimow once said, ‘The saddest aspect of society right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

            46- In 1899 ‘Everything that can be invented has been invented.’

            47- If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it. Einstein.

            48- T.H. White ‘Anything that is not forbidden is mandatory.

            49- Prediction is very hard to do. Especially about the future.Niels Bohr.

            50- Empty space to Faraday was not empty at all, but was filled with lines of force that could make distant object move.

            51- Richard Faymen said ‘There is a plenty of room at the bottom’

            52- If you haven’t found something strange during day it hasn’t been much of a day.

            53- Sometimes threat of using lie detector is more effective than the detector itself.

            54- Certain amount of lying is a social grease that helps to keep wheels of society moving.

            55- A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.

            56- The goal is make one machine that can make any machine.

            57- Scientist began to realize that playing chess or multiplying huge numbers required only a tiny narrow sliver of human intelligence.

            58- Einstein once said ‘Unless a theory can explained a child, the theory was probably useless.’

            59- Feyman revealed the true secret of antimatter. It’s just ordinary matter going backward in the time.

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